Exercises to Support Spine With Your Mosaic Lifecare Chiropractic
“Better Results Faster” happen when each patient participates and leads themselves in their own care. We provide you with the necessary tools and measurements to “Live the Life that YOU would Love”
Mosaic LifeCARE promotes the idea that the most successful path towards restoring function and performance in any aspect of life and at any age, will require 3 main concepts. These three ‘legs of a stool’ must all be the same length and must all occur at some point in a care plan. These first are the adjustments that are given at the office to detect and restore proper nervous system performance through the removal of the ‘subluxation’ or spinal joint impact. The second is to manage the habit patterns in thought and in physical activity that work against the adjustment and intention of being able to “MOVE WELL” for a lifetime. The third leg of the stool is rehab. This involves stretching, strengthening and must occur at the right time in the right area and all of these must be monitored with milestones based on agreed upon baseline measurements from the diagnostic systems available at MOSAIC to support your S.M.A.R.T. gpa;s for a lifetime!